Take the Peace Pledge
The U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq is now recognized by the majority of Americans as a mistake which threatens the lives and security of present and future generations throughout the world. It has become clear that the continued presence of our military in Iraq can only worsen these threats as the situation there deteriorates further. Unfortunately, both the Democratic and Republican parties continue to ignore this reality while nominating one pro-war candidate after another to public office. Please join us in rejecting their failure to offer candidates with real solutions to this worsening disaster by pledging not to vote for pro-war candidates in the 2006 primary election.
I pledge not to vote for any candidate in the 2006 primary election
who does not support prompt withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
Click here to send your pledge to: thepeacepledge@scpeacecenter.org
Please include in your Email confirmation:
1. Your name, address, Email address, and phone number.
2. We plan to publish the names oif those who sign the pledge, so let us know if you prefer to remain anonymous.
to snail mail the Peace Pledge download the pdf: PEACE PLEDGE
and mail to: State College Peace Center, P.O. Box 483, State College PA 16804
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
June Almes
Leonard Austin
Sofia Austin
Mark Baltrusaitis
Micah Barbash
Don Barletta
Hilary Barlow
Jesse Barlow
Benjamin J. Brewer
R.D. Bruce
Nicholas E. Brink, PhD
Toni E. Brink
Faye Coble
Caitlin E. Corr
Robert Drago
Paul Durrenberger
Suzan Erem
Barbara Evins
Ray Evins
Katie Feeney
Katie Frieden
Carol J Gold
Richard Gold
Arthur Goldschmidt
Delia Guzman
Greg Hancock
Theresa Haas
Elaine Hannon
John Heflin
Nathan Henning
Julia Hix
David Houck
Heather Hunter
Laurence Jaeger
Roberta Kurland
Patty Lambert
Andrew S. Lau
Robert L. Long
Phyllis Mansfield
Ron Matason
Andrew Merritt
Diane Mills
Bob Minard
Peter Morris
Norma Olsen
Robert Olsen
Campbell Plowden
Jean Roman
Kai Schafft
Karin Shaw
Peter B. Shaw
Elizabeth Shirey
J.D. Shuchter
Laura Piraino Silver
Martha Simmons
Paul K. Simpson M.D.
Judith M. Simpson
Chris Snively
Richard Taber
Joanne Tosti-Vasey
Christopher Uhl
Mary Vollero
Peter Warren
John Weiss
Kathleen A. Wilson
J. Phillip Yanak
Karen D. Yanak
Disclaimer: Contact information will never be sold or distributed for any reason.